30 ago 2019

JUNG, Psychedelics and Ancient Texts

Friday 30 august 2019, 14:00-17:30 at PSY-FI Festival, Sacred Island

The subject of the lecture is about the interpretation of the psychedelic experience and of the stages of
psychedelic therapy. The analysis is made in terms of Analytic Psychology, the psychological approach promoted by C.G. Jung since the beginning of XXth century. Accordingly, the relationships between the psychedelic experience, the junghian approach and some ancient sacred texts will be presented, according to recent academic works coming from Psychology and Egyptology.

Quite a few scholars and psychologists acquainted with psychedelics, as Ben Sessa and Scott J. Hill, sees the junghian approach, for reasons that will be illustrated, as the best fit for describing and understanding the psychedelic experience. However the junghian mainstream seems yet mostly absent on the matter. A reason for such an absence comes also from C.G. Jung himself that manifested, toward the end of his life, some opposition about the use of psychedelics in therapy: a review of Jung’s criticism and the opinion of some contemporary scholar will be illustrated.

In the last years, new validations about Jung’s model of unconscious are coming from the same fields that led Jung to understand the existence of a collective unconscious, that is, ancient mythology, sacred texts and ancient symbolism. Few examples of correlation of the new findings in the egyptian texts and the work of psychologists using the psychedelic therapy such Ann Shulgin and Claudio Naranjo, will be shown.

The first work connecting the psychedelic experience with the content of ancient sacred texts were T. Leary, R. Metzner and R.Alpert “The psychedelic experience”, 1964, where the psychedelic experience was connected to passages of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Some few concepts from Leary’s book will be examined.

In more recent times, the field of Analytic Psychology working jointly with Egyptologists have produced detailed analysis of the New Kingdom egyptian funerary texts, showing that they were nothing less than immersion of the conscious mind in the depth of the unconscious, the egyptian Am-Duat. The aim of those travels in the underworld is the same of any psychotherapeutic treatment, to achieve healing and personal evolution, what C.G. Jung called “Process of Individuation”.

In the lecture we will go in more details about some specific psychological topic. For example, examining and finding the correlation between Ann Shulgin’s technique of using MDMA to proceed with the “meeting of the Shadow”, a fundamental step in psychotherapy, and C.G. Jung’s first step of the “Process of Individuation”. The egyptian texts and figures that will be shown will confirm as ancient Egypt had a detailed knowledge of such a process and possibly open the way to a better understanding through the decoding of the numerous details they seems to have.

Link to Psy-FI Festival website: https://www.psy-fi.nl/sacred-island

15 ago 2019

Le Piramidi d’Egitto: i Viaggi Interstellari del KA, il “Doppio”

GIOVEDI 15 agosto ore 17:30 in AREA CULTURALE del WAO FESTIVAL

Quelle meraviglie senza tempo che sono le piramidi d’Egitto ci hanno da sempre stupito per la loro imponenza e complessità di costruzione. Nel nostro incontro ripercorreremo visualmente la loro evoluzione a partire dai primi tentativi monumentali del 2650 a.C. fino al momento in cui le piramidi iniziano a parlare attraverso i primi testi sacri che vengono incisi sulle pareti dei loro ambienti interni.

Prima di passare al blocco successivo, i “Testi delle Piramidi”, una ricostruzione video 3D della piana di Giza, ci porterà a volo d’uccello a conoscere questo storico e ricco sito. Quando le piramidi iniziano a parlare con i testi sacri più antichi del mondo risalenti al 2350 a.C. , ci lasciano ancor più di stucco descrivendoci i viaggi interstellari del “Doppio” del defunto, il KA, che in termini moderni definiremmo come “Corpo Astrale”. Ma si tratta delle caratteristiche e dei viaggi dei soli defunti? Forse no, come gli egiziani ci raccontano esplicitamente nel secondo grande corpus di viaggi nei mondi sotterranei dell’altra componente umana, l’anima BA. Queste due componenti, il BA e il KA, l’”Anima” e il “Doppio”  sembrano essere due grandi contenitori di energie archetipiche nell’umano, secondo lo schema di diversi psicologi junghiani. Ed improvvisamente ci troviamo di fronte ad una chiave di lettura che riguarda la nostre psiche odierna ed a capire meglio le nostre caratteristiche più misteriose.

Link WAO Festival website: WAO Festival Massimo Izzo

7 ago 2019

The history of sacred mexican mushrooms

Wednesday 7 aug 2019 19:30 at the SPIRALLABS @ Modem Festival

In our lecture we will concentrate on the historical and archeological data collected by historians,  anthropologists and other specialists about the psychoactive mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe in Central America.

A long time span from Aztec culture to the XX century will show us the everlasting, but different, use of those mushrooms in religious to shamanistic or private use.
A feature of great interest is the use of psychoactive mushrooms in collective ceremonies as for the ancient spanish chronicles, for example, as the one illustrated by Diego Durán for the coronation of the king Montezuma II.

Also outstanding are the images of the mixtec "Codex Vindobonensis", an illustrated manuscript copied from a now lost original texts, showing complex narratives, of difficult interpretation, involving mysterious places and entities crowned by mushrooms, seemingly spirits or deities of the mushroom itself.

A wealth of objects and statues showing mushrooms and other psychoactive plants will be shown and discussed: it will also give us the sense of an ancient wide integration of the psychedelic experience  in a community and cultural setting, a feature developed in such a degree only in central and south america.

Of particular interest is the modern documentation, taken by Gordon Wasson and other scholars, of the shamanic setting and use of the mushrooms by perhaps the most famous shaman of the modern era, Maria Sabina from Huautla de Jimenez, (Oaxaca) Mexico. The most relevant details of the "veladas", the mushroom ceremonies, will be given.

Link to Modem Page: Massimo Izzo at Modem website