4 lug 2018

Biblical Archaeology: Unveiling a false history

Lecture at the SHANKRA FESTIVAL 2018, 10 - 15 July 2018

LOSTALLO, Switzerland (CH)



The lecture will present a panoramic view of the results of the most recent findings in archaeology and textual biblical researches on the Old Testament, alleged history of the people of Israel and Judah and compilation of myths narrated in the text as historical events.

In the last 20 years, prestigious researchers from many institutions as Tel Aviv University, Collége de France, Universitè de Genève or even Hebrew theological universities, has demonstrated, using the many details and mentions of the Bible, the unhistorical contents of the main books of the biblical composition and the large cloning of mesopotamian texts, laws and myths, with any probability, during the late time of the exile in Babylon after the 586 b.C.

No hebraism or people of Israel in Egypt ever existed, nor Abraham or Moses, nor Exodus. No 12 tribes of Israel, nor huge kingdoms of David and Salomon never appeared in history. And the monotheism, that revolution in faith that generated other two of the most important religions of the modern world, appears to be a late innovation applied to a deity, Yahweh, taken straight from the pagan pantheon of the Near East. Yahweh, that once also had a feminine companion, Ashera, and a father deity.

From these studies is then coming a whole revolution on the religious view of monotheistic religions, with a clear identification of their main political and social aims of control and identity, coming originally from a small mountain kingdom with Jerusalem as his center.   

Duration: 1,30 hr

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